I am become determined, fuelled by some fiery desire to change, to truly improve and become something objectively significant. But to be truly better, you need to focus
on the aspects of your personality you dislike. To be able to improve as a person, grow as an individual, and get closer to approaching your ideal
of self, you either need to withdraw from other influence entirely and be completely solitary or to use your interactions with other people as
mirrors, to understand yourself through reflections of them, i.e. Lana’s Jim, “cause I was filled with poison, but blessed with beauty and rage."
If you interact with someone, never accept incomplete interactions that aren’t completely beneficial to you,
refuse stunted connections, and unless you feel that you are actively learning more about yourself through this interaction - abandon it. It is only
through another’s perspective, an alien reflection that you can look at yourself truly objectively. The exploration must be intellectual, physical,
and complete and if the other is not willing or interested in that, they are the wrong person for you.
Indeed, the presence of high art in everyday life has eroded with mainstream media taking its place. Media in the form of small-screen TV shows, celebrity culture, the paparazzi media, bestselling novelists, The Juliet Society, Dan Brown, etc. We are now connected by being disconnected. Facebook is taking the place of conversations, condos the place of nightclubs, everything is being replaced. These replacements are trivial to the main change: the trade of our reality for hyperreality, true existence for a simulacrum.